Poison Plants
Alocasia Aloe Vera Amaryllis (bulb) Andromeda Antifreeze (including Serria)
Apple (leaf & stem) Appleseed (cyanide) Arrowgrass Autumn Crocus (bulb) Avocado (seed) Azalea
Bird of Paradise (seed pod) Bittersweet Black Locust Bleeding Heart Boxwood Buckeye (seed) Buddhist
Pine Buttercup Caladium Calamondin Orange Calla Lily Castor Bean Cherry (leaf & stem) Cherry
Pit (cyanide) Chokecherry Chocolate (Theobromide) Christmas Rose Chrysanthemum Cineraria Climbing
Lily Cordatum Corn (Cornstalk) Plant Corydalis Crotalaria (seed) Croton Crown of Thorns Cuban
Laurel Cycad Cyclamen Daffodil (bulb) Daphne Death Camas (bulb) Delphinium Dieffenbachia Dumb
Cane Easter Lily Eggplant (not fruit) Elephant's Ear English Ivy Elderberry Fava Bean (seed) Fiddle-Leaf
Fig Finger Cherry (fruit) Foxglove Ground Cherry (not fruit) Hemlock Holly (berries) Hyacinth (bulb)
Indian Tobacco Iris (bulb) Japanese Yew Jasmine (berries) Java Bean (seed) Jerusalem
Cherry Jessamine Jimsonweed Jonquil (bulb) Kalanchoe
Laburnum Larkspur Laurel Lilly of the Valley (bulb) Locoweed
Lupine Manchineel Marble Queen Marigold Marijuana May Apple (root) Medicine Plant Mistletoe
(berries) Monkshood Morning Glory Mushrooms Narcissus (bulb) Nightshade Oleander Onion (Leaves
and Skin) Pea Peach Pencil Cactus Peony Philodendron Poinsettia Poison Ivy Pokeweed (root)
Potato (not tuber) Precatory Bean Primrose Privet Rayless Goldenrod Rhododendron Rhubarb Snow
on the Mountain Star of Bethlehem (bulb) Stinging Nettle String of Pearls/Beads Taxus Toadstool Tobacco
Tomato (not fruit) Tulip (bulb) Walnuts Water Hemlock (tuber) Wild Aconite Wisteria Yew
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